
Po Box 841
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Fax: 515-302-8079

Our Mission:
At American Farming Publication, it is our mission to provide seamless communication between our clients, and the American farmer. We are located in Fort Dodge, Iowa, which is right in the middle of farm country. This gives us the opportunity to stay in touch with the needs of today’s farmers. We give the options of digital publications, website access, show coverage, and social media. We have years of experience and reliability, coupled with honesty and a cost-effective price. Our team at American Farming Publication will use every resource at our disposal, to provide a concise and beautifully rendered advertisement for you. As a result will, in turn, bring more customers your way. Our website and social media access will allow us to reach more customers than ever before. We are excited to work with you and provide you with everything that you need for your advertising purposes.

“For Farmers Must Lay The Foundation”
-Richard A. Bothe

American Agra Curtains Review

American Farming 5-star

American Farming sets the gold standard when it comes to advertising, and the publication’s reach has provided us countless new business and leads over the years. It’s a quality product.
– Phil Smith Vice President of Sales and Marketing