Media Kit
Layout & Design Policies:
Please include ALL linked files (vector and bitmap/photo)
Please make sure all links are updated and current, missing files may create delays.
Please include all font files used in your document.
Always print it to make sure it looks good.
Design Requirements:
Accepted File Format:
.PDF ~ .PSD ~ .AI ~ .JPG ~ .PNG
Color - resolution of 300 dpi at 100%
Gray-scale - resolution of 300 dpi at 100%
Vector art (EPS, Illustrator, etc.)
Convert fonts to curves/outlines.
We cannot be responsible for typographical errors
in files that you design.
Other files that we modify at your request will require approval of a proof and may cause delays.
Please make sure your file is how you want it before sending it to us to avoid delays.
If we have to build your AD, that will take time. To speed the process up of building your AD please send any logos, pictures, and text you would like featured.
Front Cover $1800
IFC/IBC/Back Cover
1 Full $1600
1/2 $800
1/4 $475
2x3 $350
Full $1400
½ $700
1/4 $400
2x3 $275
2x2 $225
Black & White:
Full $700
½ $500
1/4 $375
2x3 $225
2x2 $200
Coop $140 / Group $100

American Farming Publication, LLC is not responsible for advertisers content. American Farming Publication, LLC will not be responsible for any errors in content, or in the placement of the ad. Any content including text representation, photos, and illustrations. If content does not meet publication standards we do reserve the right to reject. All contracts and or agreements pertaining to the production schedule is subject to change. Invoices are payable within 30 days of publication run or billing statement. Advertisers who have been given a discount or a contract rate that cancel their advertisements will be re-billed at full rate for ads already published. No cash rebate will be issued.